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“Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

British Science Week

12 to 16 March 2018


Prior to ‘British Science Week’ a request was sent out our parents asking for who worked in science to volunteer and present an assembly. We would like to thank Mr Starmer, Mr Williams and Mr McClure for being brave enough to volunteer!


During these assemblies which included question and answer sessions, we learned about what it is to be a scientist; how varied and interesting research can be and that a career in science can be highly rewarding.


Mr Starmer’s interactive assembly told us about his interesting research into why and how people make decisions.


Mr Williams conducted a question and answer session with classes 3 and 4 and told us about his work researching new medicines.


Mr McClure explained how he became a scientist and how his Virology research had taken him to many interesting places around the world.


Not only were the children inspired, the teachers were too!
