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01949 842429 Arbor

“Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

SIAMS Report

SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools)


Redmile Church of England Primary School was inspected by the Diocese of Leicester under Section 48 of the Education Act in June 2019.


Key findings:

  • The school has a clear Christian vision underpinned by biblical text which is reflected in the life of the school.
  • As a result of the vision and strong leadership, staff are well supported to develop their roles and understanding of the school as a church school. They have a voice and are valued.
  • As a result of the vision this is an inclusive, nurturing school. Pupils are well cared for, happy and have a pride in their school.
  • Pupils are articulate and have an awareness of ethical issues. This goes beyond compassion to a sense of justice.
  • Religious education (RE) is well led and pupils have a good understanding of a range of religions as a result they are able to speak with respect about difference and diversity.
  • The school’s high standards of behaviour reflect its Christian vision and it has a proactive approach to behaviour teaching pupils to behave in a Christian way.
  • The school’s high standards of behaviour reflect its Christian vision and it has a proactive approach to behaviour teaching pupils to behave in a Christian way.
  • The school is a welcoming, inclusive community. Staff and pupils feel valued. Pupils speak of the need to respect others and there are planned opportunities within the curriculum for pupils to celebrate diversity.
  • The school has high aspirations for its pupils and this is attributable to its vision.


Our overall provision for religious education was judged to be good. The full version of the report can be read below.
