My child has difficulties with learning and cognition
This can include:
- Reading and spelling
- Learning new information and concepts
- Working with numbers
- Working memory
- Concentration
- Children may have conditions such as Specific Learning Difficulties, dyslexia, general learning difficulties, Down Syndrome.
- Difficulties that do not have a specific title
What can Redmile Offer?
For all children at Redmile:
Quality first teaching with appropriate differentiation through planning, organisation, delivery, task, outcome, support and resources
A distinctly Christian ethos that promotes British and Christian values, character education and inclusivity
Visual aids to support key vocabulary, concepts and themes
Focused and modelled group work with teacher / support staff e.g. systematic phonics and writing
Additional in-class support from an adult
1:1 reading with class teacher, support staff and reading volunteers
A structured phonics approach to teaching reading and literacy (Red Write Inc)
Individual learning targets
Access to clubs, including sport
Regular feedback and praise
Opportunities to take on leadership roles, e.g. Worship leaders, MPs (mentor or pupil), Sports ambassadors
A large outdoor space, a sports field, quiet areas, etc;
Active playtimes including optional organised activities with our sports assistant
Support for targeted groups of children at Redmile may include:
Literacy booster groups for reading, writing and spelling, grammar and punctuation
Read Write Inc phonics groups
Talk Boost to support language development
Same day maths intervention
Timetabled support from our ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)
Physical literacy with our sports assistant
Targeted individual support at Redmile may include:
In-class support from an adult
Additional 1:1 reading and maths support
1:1 phonics practise
Nessy (dyslexia programme)
Timetabled support from our ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)
Physical literacy with our sports assistant
Access arrangements for KS2 SATs, including a reader where permissible, e.g. maths