Class 1
Welcome to Class 1
This is our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 class.
Let's start by introducing you to Reception
Class 1 is a fantastic place to start on our learning journey through Redmile School.
Our children settle in very quickly and soon feel happy, safe, and secure in their new environment. We work together with parents and childcare providers to promote readiness for starting school.
As a result of a sensitive and nurturing approach to our new friends, our children are keen to learn, are engaged with the world around them and quickly become more confident and independent learners.
The topics we study are centred around an ethos of staff creating wide ranging learning opportunities and outcomes that meet the criteria outlined in the Foundation Stage curriculum for Reception children.
Learning is tailored around the needs and interests of the children. Alongside this, themes and stories that match religious celebrations for the relevant time of year are also planned into teaching and learning opportunities.
During the morning we focus on the discreet teaching of phonics through the Read Write Inc programme, topic based Literacy and Maths. We use indoor and outdoor differentiated tasks and activities to promote active learning.
The Read Write Inc programme for phonics is taught in small groups on a daily basis and regularly evaluated to meet the phonological needs of the children.
After lunch we enjoy cross curricular topic work which includes RE, and links that enable coverage of the areas of development within the EYFS. Children love to dress up, construct amazing models, sing, dance and ride bikes, all with lots of fun along the way.
EYFS children have weekly PE lessons, focusing on core movement and ball skills, games and gymnastics.
Throughout the year we will also aim to enrich the children's learning with a mix of trips out and visitors who come into school to add that extra special dimension and depth to our learning. The children also love working with the older children on special projects in RE and charity events.
Years 1 and 2
Our room is a fun, creative and exciting place to be, where the children learn through different tasks and challenges with plenty of laughter along the way!
Each child’s individual needs are catered for and their learning is organised to meet their level of development enabling them to reach their potential.
During the morning, we focus on Phonics, Literacy and Maths, using differentiated tasks and activities to promote learning. We follow the Read, Write, Inc programme for our phonics which is taught in small groups on a daily basis. The children are also introduced to aspects of spelling and grammar, which helps to develop their vocabulary and writing further.
In the afternoon, we enjoy enjoy a learning a wider curriculum which includes History, RE, Science, Art and Music.
The children have PE lessons each Wednesday with Miss Griffin and also learn to dance with Miss Cheryl every Thursday afternoon. In addition, the children learn French and music on a weekly basis and these programmes are delivered by a qualified, trained specialist.
Throughout the year, we will also aim to enrich the children’s learning with a mix of trips out, visitors, special projects, whole-school craft activities and big events such as the Viking Challenge!