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01949 842429 Arbor

“Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Contact Details

Please get in touch with us by any of the following methods. We are always pleased to hear from you.


Redmile Church of England Primary School
6 Belvoir Road
NG13 0GL


Telephone Number
01949 842429




Enquiries from Parents or the Public

Mrs Beth Priestley, Administrative Assistant

Mr Neil Bardsley,  Executive Headteacher

Mr Jamie Cope - Deputy Headteacher

Miss Rachel Gull, SENDCo

Mrs Charlotte Cahill,  Rise Cluster SENCo

Mrs Anna Butler, Chair of Governors

Mr Richard Bingham, Vice Chair of Governors


Please make contact via the school telephone number or email address. To write to our Chair of Governors, please send your letter to the school address and mark the envelope 'confidential'.


For further information about our school, or to request any information in paper format please contact us at school. Please state if you would like the documents in large print.


You can also find us on Twitter: @teamredmile and Facebook: Redmile CE Primary School


Academy Information

Rise Multi Academy Trust
c/o St Peter and St Paul CE Academy
Upper Church Street




CEO: Mr Dave Lee- Ellison

Telephone: 0116 4783770

Charity Number: 1151692


Contact us & Enquiry Form

If you would like any further details about Redmile CE Primary School, or if you would like to arrange a visit to see what our school can offer your child, please get in touch. We endeavour to respond to all queries within 3 working days.


Queries will be dealt with by Mrs Priestley in the first instance.


Thank you.


Contact Us:
