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“Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Pupil Leaders

Many people believe that great leaders are made, not born, and there is no better time to start honing leadership skills than in childhood. It is never too early - or too late - to start developing leadership qualities and with the right encouragement and support, children can realise their natural potential and enhance the leadership skills which will help them succeed throughout life.


Here at Redmile CE Primary School the children participate in a number of young leadership schemes.

School Council


A Council member is elected from each year group, led by a President and Vice President from Year 6. As each year group is represented, the council are able to share the views of their classmates regarding school, the community and global matters.


Each half-term, the Council works together with school leaders to prepare for their upcoming projects, including eco-projects, anit-bullying projects, learning walks, competitions and fundraising events, as well an any projects requested by pupils. They help to monitor safety at playtimes and try to ensure that everyone has a voice through their very own ’Suggestions Box.’ 


Through careful listening and the offer of friendship, they help to boost self- esteem and morale amongst all at Redmile, and ensure that a warm welcome is extended to visitors. Their role includes promoting the Christian values within school and participating in the church services that we attend throughout the year. 

Our council members develop organisational, leadership and discussion skills, and help to promote a ‘can do' attitude around the school.

Sports Ambassadors


Sports Ambassadors are trained to carry out and record various roles, for instance visual athletics, fun lunch time challenges and golden mile running.


They also assist Miss Griffin in giving extra training to Key Stage 1 children, as well as leading our annual Tennis Festival.

Worship Leaders


Our Year 6’s relish the responsibility of being Worship Leaders, as they get to contribute to our Collective Worship every day. Their role includes preparing for assemblies; keeping the Collective Worship board relevant and up to date; evaluating each worship and promoting our Christian values. They also organise all the music and hymns for everyone to enjoy.


They liaise closely with Mrs Longden and staff to ensure all the preparations are complete in readiness for each worship time.

Club Leaders

We believe in child-initiated learning and leading and one way this is achieved is through children organising their own clubs.


Groups of children take the initiative and arrange lunch and break time clubs that interest and inspire others. Leaders run an eclectic mix including arts and crafts, drama, dance, Chess and cheer-leading.
