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01949 842429 Arbor

“Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Enabling children to flourish and succeed



We teach all children a range of genres in carefully sequenced lessons that have been planned with the guidance of Rise Multi-Academy Trust. Across the school, we have collated lists of quality texts that will support the fluidity and progression of the essential reading skills, enabling all children to flourish.


All children in KS2 take their whole-class reading book home with them each week, and are asked to read a section of the book before their next lesson as part of their English homework. These reading texts will be taught alongside a range of genres, including poetry, non-fiction, picture books and classic literature each week, as well as our class pleasure-read each day.


As writers, pupils are taught to plan, compose and evaluate their writing.   In order for our children to effectively develop as writers, we follow ‘The Write Stuff’ writing programme using a model of vocabulary generation, sentence stacking and finally independent implementation.

Writing sequences explore the structure of different genres, following ‘plot points’ in narratives (small moments through part of a plot), or exploring the ‘shape’ and features of a non-fiction text. Lessons concentrate on the teaching of writing with a sharp focus on the craft and construction of sentences. Throughout the lessons, children are encouraged to consider the impact on the reader, and whether a positive or negative mood has been created. Vocabulary is introduced during each writing lesson through the generation of vocabulary banks by the children, which are discussed to ensure appropriate use of vocabulary. When appropriate, we use immersive techniques to stimulate ideas, such as drama, soundscapes and physical stimuli.

Grammar and punctuation are taught discreetly, with at least 1 focused lesson per week.

A typical writing unit will last approximately 3 weeks, building from the modelling of writing structures and techniques, into their independent application through planning, writing, editing and final publication.

As children become more confident and familiar with their writing techniques later in the year, these writing units are condensed to provide more frequent opportunities for independent writing.


In Reception and Year 1, we use the Read Write Inc. programme for the teaching of phonics, reading and writing. Children explore phonemes (sounds) and graphemes (written letters) on a daily basis.


Set 1 sounds:

The initial letter ‘speed sounds’, which children are taught to recognise rapidly. They are taught in the following order:

m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, o, c, k, u, b, f, e, l, h, sh, r, j, v, y, w, th, z, ch, qu, x, ng, nk


Set 2 sounds:

Children learn more representations of the sounds (e.g. ay as in play, ee as in tree and igh as in high).  Every sound has a list of green words linked to it, so children can ‘sound out’ and ‘blend’ words containing the new sound they have just learnt (for example s-p-r-ay = spray).


Set 3 sounds:

Children are taught that there are alternative graphemes for each sound, e.g. ee as in tree and ea as in tea.


Find out more information on the Read Write Inc website by following the links below:


Read Write Inc. Spelling (external link) -

Parent information: Supporting at home (external link) -

Reading at Home (external link) -


From Year 2 to Year 6, our systematic spelling programme combines the teaching and application of spelling rules and patterns with elements of punctuation and grammar appropriate to their ability and age. 
