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01949 842429 Arbor

“Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Times of the School Day and Parking

Times of the School Day


CReW Club7.45 - 8.45 am

School Starts

8.45 am

School Day Ends

3.15 pm

CReW Club

3.15 - 6.00pm


If a child arrives after 8.45 am they must enter via the main entrance at the front of the school.


If a child arrives late, their overall attendance figures will be affected. See the Late / Absence information at the link below.


Total hours provided in a typical week is 32.5 hours; 190 days a year.


Late/Absence Procedures



There is disabled parking on our school drive for those who request it, otherwise there is no parking on the school site.


We ask that parents who choose to drive their child/ren to school, are respectful of residents and do not block driveways or garage entrances, even for a short time.


It is also important not to park directly opposite the school during the morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up periods as the school bus needs to park. Blocking the road causes motorists anxiety and unfortunately the school then bears the brunt of any upset caused.
