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01949 842429 Arbor

“Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Q19: How are pupils with Special Educational Needs/Disabilities involved in their own education?

All children are active participants in their own learning. For children and young people with SEND we use a variety of strategies to support this including, for example, any of the following:


  • Target review meetings.
  • Self-assessment at the beginning and end of learning.
  • Having a range of equipment available for the child to choose to use.
  • Ensuring the child works with a range of different partners.
  • Ensuring the child or young person has a designated adult to go to if they need help.
  • Opportunity to be a Redmile Leader, eg. School Council Rep.
  • One page profiles.
  • Medical alert cards.
  • Emotions scale.
  • Visual timetables.
  • Prompt cards to promote independence.
  • Personalised work stations.
  • Learning breaks.