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01949 842429 Arbor

“Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

New Starters

During the summer term, prior to starting school in September, pupils are invited to spend up to four sessions in school learning what life will be like for them in Class 1. Current Reception pupils help to look after them and show them where everything is.


Parents of new starters are invited to attend a series of Induction meetings which give an insight in to the learning and teaching here at Redmile:


  1. Initial Induction/welcome meeting - At this meeting, parents are given a Welcome Booklet which answers many of the questions about daily routines as well as things needed in preparation, like a school book-bag, etc.

  2. Phonics workshop - the staff give an overview of how reading and writing are taught in Class 1, and how the parent-school partnership is critical to the success of their child's development. 


Please visit our admissions page for more information about joining our school. 
